Monday, November 23, 2020

Popular Essential Oils For Aromatherapy

Popular Essential Oils For Aromatherapy

As you might already know, aromatherapy is a kind of relaxation and rejuvenation technique that employs the aroma of various essential oils. Different blends of essential oils exist to complement unique individuals and certain situations. There are however, several simple, basic, and you-can-never-can-go-wrong blends which one can use in aromatherapy.

First, lets take a quick look at the basic element that makes aromatherapy: essential oils. Why essential oils? Essential oils are taken from natural products. They contain hormones and vitamins that are responsible for chemical reactions in the brain that help us feel relaxed and renewed.

Now, as was mentioned earlier, essential oil blends will help determine what kind of effect one desires from an aromatherapy session. Aromatherapy combined with essential oils can help you relax, eliminate muscle pains, and sooth pains.

For relieving pains, it seems oils from clove buds, frankincense chamomile, lavender, and lemongrass are quite popular and effective. Chamomile oil is also good for relaxations. The same goes with essential oils derived from lavender, lemon eucalyptus, myrtle, clary sage, lemon verbena, marjoram, and lemon balm.

For headaches, it has been found that inhaling essential oils from lavender, peppermint, basil, chamomile, and lemongrass help relieve the pain. Meanwhile, for lowering blood pressure, the following oils were found to be quite effective: lemon balm oil, tangerine oil, rose oil, clary sage oil, ylang ylang, and geranium oils.

You can also learn to blend these different oils to get a unique aroma. The trick is to combine oils from the same group. If you intend to use oils of floral origins then the best thing to do is mix together two floral based oils, lavender and rose, for example. Just be careful when mixing essential oils. Remember to use porcelain bowls or glass ones since the oils will react with plastic and rubber. Also, make sure to add carrier oils and not use the pure essential oils for this might result to irritations.

Popular essential oils in aromatherapy are quite easy to come by so you won't have any problems acquiring them. However, not all essential oil products are natural. Some are synthetic and contain artificial chemicals that do not provide therapeutic effects. Among these synthetic or artificial ingredients are fragrance oils. These fragrance oils are synthetic chemical components that do not provide any useful benefit and are thus any product claiming as such is dubious and deceitful to consumers. It is best, therefore, to go to a respected and reputable store where products are guaranteed.

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